Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome to the MBHS Class of '69 blog

We've set this blog up to help communicate our upcoming 40th (gulp) reunion, planned for 31 July/1 August, 2009. Check out details at Meanwhile, let us know "wuzzupwichU? (Sorry, I shouldn't try to be cool at my advanced age. Might strain something.) But please DO let us know how things have been with you these "last few years." Or maybe share some memorable moments from high school (those suitable for middle-aged blogging of course).

If you're "blog-challenged" like me, fear not; we have as a resource - thanks to Hatton - a blog-guru and all around IT genius, Patrick Reid (Royal Cup Coffee IT Dept.). Patrick has helped us streamline the blogging process. First, look over to the right of this text and down a bit and click on the link: "Welcome to the MBHS Class of '69 blog" under "Blog Archive." That will display all the comments made so far, below my comments here. If you will scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see a box where you can "Post a Comment." The easiest way is simply to write a comment, and then below the box, click by "Comment as" and choose "Anonymous" (last choice). You will then need to click "Preview" then follow the prompt to type in some funny looking word, after which you can post your comment. It will lead with "Anonymous said . . ." You may of course identify yourself in the body of the comment. Another way to comment is to use your Google account (or one of several others offered), and to click on "Follow." When you return to the blog later, you can sign in under "Followers." If you don't have an account, you may set one up quickly and at no cost. This allows you to set up a profile, with photo, where fellow classmates can go to learn more about you beyond your specific posted comment. If you're lazy like me, and easily frustrated, skip the account and go "anonymous;" but please identify yourself in the comment box. And girls, please include your maiden name. If you get stuck on anything, call me at 205.249.0051. I'll probably just send you on to our guru, Patrick; but somehow we'll figure it out.

However you choose to do it, please let us hear from you. We especially hope to see you this summer at the reunion. And please be sure to register soon. You can download a Registration Form from the web site. Thanks and take care. George Thompson (web editor)


  1. Janet Meadows Lamar
    High School.....When was that???? So many years have passed, that I hardly can remember those days. Law and I have three girls, three son-in-laws, and three grandchildren. ( I just love those babies and my new name, Honey) We have been blessed beyond blessed!. I am the part owner and manager of the The Blue Gel Company (check us out Who would ever had thought I would end up selling bicycle gloves that actually are sold to the auto industry and hand therapist. Now about HS, I have fond memories of friends and buzzing around town in my Mom's HUGE yellow Impala. My favorite teachers were Mrs. Beale, math teacher, and Mrs. Smith, English teacher. I always thought it funny that I had to get my skirt messured for length. Sharon Dobbins Graham weren't you in there more than I was? Did we ever get sent home? I remember worrying about my weight (oh if only I could weigh that little again) and always wanting a boyfriend. Now I wouldn't weigh if you paid me and I have found the best boyfriend ever! Lynn Bryon Briggs and I have been planning on coming and bringing our husbands to visit with one another so they will be happy while we visit around with everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all. Marjean, hope you are coming. Thanks to all of you on the planning committee for all your work. J

  2. Hi George! Hope you're doing great. Can't wait to see you and all my high school friends. Are you still playing music? How's Mike, Hall? Your parents and sister? B-C-N-U soon. If you want to check out my family and goings on, I have a facebook, search Paul Levey and a youtube account:

    See ya soooooon // Paul Levey

  3. Yes, janet, I was sent to the office MANY TIMES for short skirts. As a matter of fact, I was suspended three times my senior year for wearing short skirts. it was always nice for that to happen on a me a long weekend. hahah I am wearing a long raincoat in many of the pictures in the annual. That was to cover my skirts.

  4. Hey everyone, can't believe we are having a 40th reunion. How is that POSSIBLE??? and yet we have and changed and matured from the children we used to be, even when we thought we were so very grown up. I owe much to one teacher, Mrs. Kirk, and her creative writing class. She encouraged me to use the gift of words by challenging and validating both what I had to say and my unique way of presenting it. I am still using that craft today. And yes, Janet, I will be coming but it is sad to me that we live in the same city and only see each other at these functions. As for me, I am a mother of 6 grown children (3 step) and now have 5 grandchildren, with 2 on the way. I love being a Nana. I am also caring for my aging parents as the only one of 4 siblings in town to do so. Know we are all in the same situations in many ways. It has been nice to keep up with some of you and reconnect on Facebook. Sharon, you made me laugh with your skirts and raincoat comment.:) See you at SteinMart!

  5. I have had so much fun being on the planning committee for our 40th reunion!! We meet at The Club, which has had total transformation into what promises to be a spectacular site for our event. I don't know how the 50th committee can top please don't miss this!
    At our last meeting we split up into separate rooms w/ cell phones and called classmates. We tried to reach some who are no longer in B'ham to let them know how much their being at the reunion would mean. I've played phone tag w/ Myron Greenfield for a week, spoke to Laurie Levine's husband, Tommy Heath's wife, and Tommy Gustafson in person! The majority of us are here in the B'ham area and don't see each other so we're
    counting on ALL of those classmates to attend.
    There are few among us don't have "issues"...weight gain, well as other things that life deals out during 58't let anything hold you back from seeing friends.
    I'm pretty boring. Duplicate bridge used to be my passion, but after I made Life Master I decided it required more time and brains than I have to play at the level I aspired to. Now I just play w/ friends for fun. I love to's a passion and like therapy for me..and I'm afraid it "shows". I belong to a on-profit group called Southern Foodways. It was founded by a small group of true "foodies", one of whom is Frank Stitt. If you are interested at all in cooking OR eating, check out the website
    In closing, I would like to share with you a tidbit from my illuminating conversation w/ our former principal (at Hatton's house 30th reunion). At the time I had a son who had graduated at the top of his class at MBHS and had already graduated from college. I was well aware of how much times had changed since our day. I looked at "D.P." and asked "How old were you when you were our principal?" Guess...??? 33!!! He was a baby. I then remarked that the worst any of us ever did was wear short shirts or smoke cigarettes. And he replied, "your class was one of the most outstanding I had the privilege of knowing".
    I'm looking forward to seeing each and every one of you. Please call at least 5 people and ask them to attend. I've got to run and see if I can catch Myron at home!
    All the best...Linda

  6. Rainy afternoon in Nashville---we were on tornado watch and playing gin in the dining room (only room with no windows) and now I am caught up on email and watching 'Nova and Pitt in the NCAA---just about my favorite sports season of the year. Sooo, since I can double task with basketball on and blogging...I'm logged on. It was fun to read about Linda, Marjean, Janet, Sharon and way to go, George, on getting this all up and running. As for me, I've only been to one of the planning meetings. If, however, the reunion is as fun as the planning committee, it will be great.
    Really, all should make it a point to put it on your calendar, set goals for loosing weight, fail at loosing weight, know that it doesn't matter at all. That is the beauty of not worrying any more about beauty.
    As for short skirts, it seemed so silly to me that it was a big deal. Now that I have an 18 year old son, and skirts are short again, I see their point. I want to ask the girls sitting on my sofas if they want an afghan.
    We have been in Nashville for 22 years having lived in Baltimore, Boston and Jackson, MS for the first 13 years of marriage. We both graduated from Vanderbilt undergrad so this is as close to home as I could have. I am almost over not getting back to Birmingham. We did have a great class and a great town to grow up in. Even though Mom and Dad are no longer alive, I love to get there and stay with either my sister or brother. I'll be driving through Mt. Brook Village and think I am looking at my parents' friends and am startled to realize I am looking at MY friends.
    Four children are grown and gone and the last one graduates in May. One granddaughter has arrived and lives in Memphis and I still haven't figured out my grandmother name. I play golf and am learning bridge. Those of you who play are really smart. It is a tough game to learn at this age. I am very involved in our church, have been in the schools and am finishing a masters in marriage and family therapy. And I'm still crazy about my husband.
    Okay, that's all MUCH more than anybody wanted to know. I do promise reunion will be much more interesting.
    Can't wait to see everyone.
    Wendy W.

  7. Looking forward to the reunion........Ladies, would you please include your maiden names? I don't know too many of your married ones!! (Mine is Jackson.)

  8. Comment from Smitty Smith:
    Thanks for setting this up George. It's great to hear from so many people. Be sure to check out the Remember When section to see vintage pictures. And please email or deliver your pictures to George for inclusion on the website and the special video he is preparing. OK, for my trip down memory lane, and in response to some of the previous blogs, here are some questions or comments: Wendy, do you remember the Hippie Party we went to at UA the spring of our senior year? Great pic of a group of us on the Remember When page. Janet, do you remember the 7th grade party at Jim Daniel's house? And Marjean, I have a picture of you at a Sigma leadout with Jeff Fowlkes that will make it's way onto the web in due course, if George be willing and the creeks don't rise. And Jenny, I think you were my first girlfriend, in kindergarted or first grade. I'd love to see a picture from that era.
    I look forward to seeing all of our classmates and reliving old memories.

    Smitty Smith

  9. "The Sounds of Silence"

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I've come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    'Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
    That split the night
    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    And no one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence

    "Fools", said I, "You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you"
    But my words, like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed
    In the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls"
    And whispered in the sounds of silence

    When "The Graduate" opened in 1967, I saw it five times. I couldn't get enough. Today it is 2009, and I have seen it three times those year alone!

    More than any other film, this movie exemplified high school. I felt like an outsider, and regardless of how "connected" Benjamin was, he was an outsider - a social outsider in the arms if a lecherous cougar - that term hadn't even been invented yet, unless it was for a beautiful four-legged animal, and the mascot of the University of Houston!

    After teaching for many years in Houston, Texas - and I am proud to say that I teach urban kids, kids who didn't have what we had, kids who don't even know that there is a better way of life, although there have been many success stories, there are many sad ones that far outnumber.

    Being with high school kids every day has made me reflect on my own days, and has made me a more compassionate man. Everyone knows the books, "Everything I Know, I Learned from My Cat/Dog," well -- much of what I know is from kids in grades 9-12.

    I have learned how to handle pregnancies, runaways, abuse, jail terms, and so much more I could put Margaret Mitchell to shame.

    I never knew any of that stuff existed when I was at Mountain Brook High School. I thought everyone lived a good life, even though we were in Crestline, notably, "the OTHER side of the tracks" in Mountain Brook. To this day when I visit Bham, I always drive past my old house at 123 Dexter Avenue. It is behind a wall, and I don't know why the owners did that, but it was passed to them, and it is their's, no longer in our possession, except for the extremely vivid, and sometimes bitter memories. My mother died while we lived in that house ... No matter what the owners have done with it, I hope they never know tragedy behind those four walls.

    For so many high school is more of a dark time, not an old friend, and not a colorful time. To those who were in the "In Crowd," you appeared to be having a great time. The benches were yours. For the "others," life went on,and on and on and on, and we have ALL survived to the 40th anniversary of our graduation - except for those sould we have left behind, but not forgotten. Sandy Picard and Cindy Love - it is so hard to imagine this earth without you. Bless your memory. For each of us has experiencef tragedy, triumph, great health, poor health, success, failure - because we are human beings.

    I will totally out myself here and now - the 10th grade year was a horror to me. I was unhappy, and I self-destructed and dug my own grave, and no matter how much cajoling I did, my parents did, or anyone did, Dr. Patterson would not let me graduate in 1969. I thank him for his wisdom, because it made me a stronger man, and it gave me the best friends in life a man could ever had - my friends from Okalhoma, with whom I still communicate today.

    I will look forward to reading your blogs, and would like everyone to take the time to say HELLO.

    More soon.

    Posted by Myron Greenfield at 5:03 PM 0 comments
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  10. Thank you, Myron, for such a genuine posting. We should all remember that high school was NOT the greatest for a lot of people. I never went out of my way to be nice to you; I regret that and I'm sorry. You didn't quite say so, but I hope you're happy now. Goodness knows that the work you do is so important, and the kids you teach are lucky to have you. I hope you'll be at the reunion and that I'll have a chance to say hi in person. Til then......

    Jennie Jackson Owens

  11. From Smitty Smith

    Well said Myron and Jennie. I look forward to seeing both of you.

  12. Jennie and Smitty - Thanks for your kind words.
    What happened then doesn't matter now ... "No day but today..." (RENT/1996).

    This moment counts...let's live now!


  13. Bobby Crook
    Well I'll keep this short and sweet. To all the guys in our class- the ladies of our class still look great. So start pumping iron, running, have your head of hair(s)reseeded or what ever. There's not much time left. Hey Myron, you and Rena taking me out again after the Party?

  14. Myron,
    Your post was beautifully stated.
    I have enjoyed reading your entries on Facebook.
    You are obviously very much loved by all of your students. You will be the teacher that they all remember as making a difference in their lives.
    I look forward to seeing you in July.
    Anne Alderman Brockwell

  15. I have just found our reunion information and am so thankful to the committee for the hard work in preparing for the greatest reunion yet! George you are wonderful to make this site possible. Most of you know I married Mark Coggin in 1970. So, in March we will celebrate 40 years of marriage. We have three children. Twin daughters 37 and a son 33. All are married and have blessed us with 7 precious grandchildren. We moved back to B'ham 3 years ago after being away most of our married life. We are thrilled to be back. I am a Director for a Preschool and Kindergarten and am taking care of two aging parents with multiple health problems. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments. We have great memories don't we?
    Myron, I don't have much time to correspond on facebook but have enjoyed reading about your life. How blessed your students are to have you for a teacher. I know you have made a huge impact on their lives.
    Mark and I are so looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion. Again, thank you committee for making it all possible.
    Charlotte Foster Coggin

  16. Kathy Cooper RobinsonJune 24, 2009 at 1:26 PM

    I've just found this blog site while reading all of the rememberences of so many fellow classmates. I never knew Mountain Brook High School was such a hot-bed of emotions as we were reaching for maturity! Having gone to Peter Pan Kindergarden, Crestline Elem., Mt. Brook Jr. High and Mountain Brook High School, I never gave much thought to what was going on at that time. I just always felt it was just one large happy family simply because everyone had always been there! I was so involved with Neal at LWMA my last 2 years of high school I hardly knew what else was going on, and yes, we are still married (37 years, two children and one grandchild later).
    No one has mentioned Flowers Brackin/Braswell,my Senior English teacher that was one of the best teachers I EVER had. If not for her I would never have gotten through freshman Lit. at the U of Ala. She was an outstanding teacher and it was one of the most fun classes I have ever had. For some reason Buddy Nelson comes to mind during that class. He kept us all in stiches. I also will miss Jan Brittain Coggin as I have done every day since she died years ago. I can't think of high school without Jan.
    I am an interior Designer and have a store in Braselton, Georgia, N.E. of Atlanta up Hwy 85. It has been an interesting concept putting a high end design studio into an old Filling station/general store. Even more interesting, it was the old store that the movie "Deliverence" was filmed around. I've had alot of fun with that!
    We have owned a horse farm here for years and all of our Morgan horses that we showed for years are in their geriatric years! We couldn't bear to part with any and we now have a multitude of pasture ornaments that EAT ALOT! I've taken up enough space but I will say Myron, I always thought you were very funny and awfully nice, and Janet, somehow I can't imagine you having gaineds any weight and ask Law to save Neal a set. There will be alot of catching up to do.....with Everyone!

  17. if i can make it, know we will! Hope I can be there to see everyone!


  18. Rena, Come on down. Thanks for the reminder about the blog. I wish we could get a copy of all the emails on here. Maybe blogging is for young folks. I'm writing a novel presently. The title is "No Blogging For Old Men". It about a guy that comes across a drug bust, steals the money, shots people with an air gun and then blogs about it. What do ya'll thing? Bobby Crook

  19. Sorry, What do ya'll "think"? Not "thing". Hey I've got an idea. How would you describe your life with a movie title. Like "Heaven Can Wait" or "Tora, Tora, Tora" or ......BC

  20. I'm working on it, BC........looking the book idea.....hope to see everyone soon!

  21. I remember Sharon's short skirts to this day. Sharon, it was worth the office time.

  22. I laughed as I looked through the annual and saw all the photos of Sharon with her raincoat on! haha Had never noticed that before her comment. =)

    See you guys soon!

  23. I look forward to seeing everyone. I'll try and catch up on the comments. John Anderson
