Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome to the MBHS Class of '69 blog

We've set this blog up to help communicate our upcoming 40th (gulp) reunion, planned for 31 July/1 August, 2009. Check out details at Meanwhile, let us know "wuzzupwichU? (Sorry, I shouldn't try to be cool at my advanced age. Might strain something.) But please DO let us know how things have been with you these "last few years." Or maybe share some memorable moments from high school (those suitable for middle-aged blogging of course).

If you're "blog-challenged" like me, fear not; we have as a resource - thanks to Hatton - a blog-guru and all around IT genius, Patrick Reid (Royal Cup Coffee IT Dept.). Patrick has helped us streamline the blogging process. First, look over to the right of this text and down a bit and click on the link: "Welcome to the MBHS Class of '69 blog" under "Blog Archive." That will display all the comments made so far, below my comments here. If you will scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see a box where you can "Post a Comment." The easiest way is simply to write a comment, and then below the box, click by "Comment as" and choose "Anonymous" (last choice). You will then need to click "Preview" then follow the prompt to type in some funny looking word, after which you can post your comment. It will lead with "Anonymous said . . ." You may of course identify yourself in the body of the comment. Another way to comment is to use your Google account (or one of several others offered), and to click on "Follow." When you return to the blog later, you can sign in under "Followers." If you don't have an account, you may set one up quickly and at no cost. This allows you to set up a profile, with photo, where fellow classmates can go to learn more about you beyond your specific posted comment. If you're lazy like me, and easily frustrated, skip the account and go "anonymous;" but please identify yourself in the comment box. And girls, please include your maiden name. If you get stuck on anything, call me at 205.249.0051. I'll probably just send you on to our guru, Patrick; but somehow we'll figure it out.

However you choose to do it, please let us hear from you. We especially hope to see you this summer at the reunion. And please be sure to register soon. You can download a Registration Form from the web site. Thanks and take care. George Thompson (web editor)